Mile High Kite Festival Beech Mountain 2023 The Beech Mountain Chamber of Commerce hosts its annual Mile High Kite Festival as part of the town’s Labor Day Weekend festivities.
The party starts the night before with a street dance outside the Beech Mountain Town Hall. Why “Mile High”? Because Beech Mountain is 5,506 feet above sea level. It is the highest incorporated town east of the Mississippi which makes it the perfect place to fly a kite.
The elevation almost guarantees great breezes and when the temperatures are still in the mid to high 90’s in most of the Carolinas and Virginia, Beech Mountain remains cool with temperatures rarely exceeding 80 degrees.
Two recognized kite clubs, one from Charlotte, N.C. and one from Richmond, Va., will be on hand to demonstrate flying techniques, staff kite clinics and help folks build their own kites.
Free kites will be given to the first 150 children under the age of 13. Beech Mountain Chamber of Commerce Prizes are given to novice flyers for the biggest kite flown, the most original handmade kite flown, the kite to fly the highest, and whatever other categories the organizers can dream up.